1. Terms and conditions of use

This website, www.cvf.gr, is the property of the Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation and is protected by the provisions of Law 2121/93 on intellectual property, as currently in force.
The visitor/user (hereinafter, for the sake of brevity, ‘the user’) of the Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation (hereinafter, for the sake of brevity, ‘the Foundation’) website must carefully read the terms of use and the conditions for provision of services which follow, before visiting or using our pages and services, and give his consent to those terms and conditions. Should he find the terms and conditions unacceptable, he must refrain from using the site.

The terms and conditions of use set out below apply to the entire content and, generally, anything contained in the pages of our site. The Foundation may at any time amend the terms and conditions of use. No amendment of these terms and conditions shall be taken into account or shall form part of this agreement unless formulated in writing and incorporated in the agreement, in its electronic form.

The user is expected on each occasion of use to check for any possible changes; if he continues to use the site he shall be assumed to have accepted the amended terms and conditions. Should he not accept the changes he must refrain from using/visiting our site.

2. Intellectual property rights

The entire content of our website – including (the following are intended as examples, not as an exhaustive list) articles, news, graphics, photographs, diagrams, images, services and, in general, files of all kinds – is protected by copyright and subject to the national and international provisions on intellectual property and copyright, with the exception of those third-party rights explicitly acknowledged.

It is therefore explicitly prohibited to reproduce, republish, copy, store, sell, broadcast, distribute, publish, execute, download, translate or amend in any way, parts of or abstracts of the whole content, without the explicit prior written consent of the Foundation. By way of exception, it is permitted to store and copy parts of the content onto an ordinary personal computer, for strictly personal use (private study or research, educational purposes), without intention of commercial or other use, and always on condition that the source of the material is stated, without this implying in any way a concession of copyright.

It is also permitted to republish material for the purpose of promoting events and activities of the Foundation, on condition that the source is acknowledged and no copyright is infringed, and that no commercial symbols or trademarks or logos are modified, altered or deleted.
Whatever else is contained on the pages of our site and comprises the registered trademarks or copyright products of third parties falls within their own sphere of responsibility and has no relation with the Foundation website.

3. User obligations and responsibility

The site user is obliged to comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, European and international law and the relevant legislation on telecommunications; he must also refrain from any illegal or improper use of the content and services of the site.

Users must also behave in a seemly, courteous and discreet manner during visits to and use of the site, while it is explicitly forbidden to make use of practices involving unfair competition or other practices contrary to ‘netiquette’ (Internet Users Code of Conduct). The user shall be exclusively liable for any damage caused to the site or the network more generally by abuse or improper use of the services provided. In the sending of e-mails:

  • The details and content of the message must not offend the creators or other users of the site, and the internet in general, and must comply with the laws, honest practice and the customs governing the use of the internet.
  • The user must make adequate attempts to remove viruses or other material which might damage the Foundation website or other users of the internet.
  • Messages must not contain advertising material, unless such material is primarily of an informational/educational nature.
  • Messages must respect human rights and minority groups.
  • Messages may be used by the Foundation without generating any legal claim on the part of the user providing the message.

4. Limited liability

Without offering any warranty or accepting any liability, the Foundation makes every effort to ensure that the information and content of its website is characterized by the greatest possible accuracy and clarity, is up-to-date, full, correct and available.

In no circumstances, including that of negligence, can the Foundation accept liability for any damage caused to the user by reason of his use of our site.
Information and services are offered on an ‘as is’ basis, without any guarantee, explicit or implicit (the Foundation explicitly disclaiming any such guarantee), including, for example, guarantees on commerciality or suitability. In no circumstances does the Foundation guarantee the uninterrupted and error-free provision of services and content, or the absence of viruses, either in respect to the website or to any other site or server through which the content is received.

The Foundation retains the right, entirely at its own discretion, a) to make additions, improvements and/or alterations to any information and/or service and/or software provided on this site, without notice, b) to cease providing any service and/or software and to refrain from publishing on the site and to remove from the site any information or material provided or placed by the user, at any time, without notice, mainly but not exclusively for reasons of efficient functioning or security or on other necessary grounds, c) to use the proposals or information made available by users in any way it deems appropriate within the context of legal use (as in the case of protection of personal data).

5. Protection of personal data

The management and protection of the personal data of the site user are governed by the terms of this contract and the relevant provisions of Greek law (Law 2472/1997, Presidential Decrees 207/1998 and 79/2000, article 8 of Law 2819/2000) and European law (Directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC).

These details will not be communicated to third parties (except, and solely where required or allowed by law, to the competent authorities); the confidentiality of these details will be respected. Our website keeps records of these details entirely for purposes of communication, for statistical purposes and in order to improve the services provided via the site.
With regard particularly to the chat and forum services, the site may record messages sent by users/visitors in order to ascertain breaches of the terms of this contract, but will not in any circumstances share their content with third parties.

Furthermore, in respect of links to other sites, our own site is not liable for the terms of management and protection of personal data such other sites may implement.
At all events, the user of our site may, after contacting the appropriate department and ascertaining the existence of his personal file, request that this file be deleted, corrected or otherwise amended. Minors may access our site only with the consent of their parents or guardians.

6. Links to other sites

The Foundation does not control the websites of third parties to which it may refer users via hyperlinks or advertising banners; it can accept no liability for the content of such sites.
Links to other sites are provided for the convenience of users of the Foundation’s own site, without this meaning a) that the Foundation espouses or accepts the content or services of the external sites, b) that there is any relationship between the Foundation and the owners of the external sites, c) that the Foundation extends any guarantee relating to protection of personal data, availability, quality, fullness or accuracy of information or services contained on third-party sites, or in respect of their safety and freedom from viruses, d) that it undertakes any liability for any misuse of information provided on external sites. In the event of any problem occurring during a visit to or use of these external sites, the user must contact directly the site in question and its owners, who bear the relevant liability.

Legislation on intellectual and industrial property and trademarks/logos, and other related laws of any country, protect the websites to which the Foundation refers its users via links or hyperlinks. Referral via link by the producer of the Foundation’s site to other websites does not preclude the application of the above laws by the owners of the latter sites, in the event of breach of the above laws during use of the material contained on the said sites.

7. Compensation

The site user hereby explicitly declares, committing himself through his acceptance of this contract, that in the event of any legal action or suit or administrative process being brought against the Foundation arising from breach by the user of any form of third-party copyright, he shall a) appear and take part in the judicial or administrative proceedings, and b) compensate fully the Foundation in the event of the latter being obliged to pay compensation or incurring any other expense.