Eurobirdwatch 2016: Clean-up of the Gialova lagoon area

The voluntary clean-up of the Divari area, at the Gialova lagoon, will take place on October 2, as part of the Eurobirdwatch. The meeting point will be the old pumping station at the Gialova lagoon, at 9:30 am.
The Gialova lagoon is a wildlife sanctuary, especially for the migratory birds, who have made it their first stop on their journey from Africa to northern Europe. A plethora of mammals, serpents, amphibians, and fish have found their habitat here, the most significant of which is the African chameleon, an endangered species.
The area has also been declared a protected zone of archaeological significance, since it encompasses unique archaeological sites.
The event is open to everyone. Wear comfortable clothes and the right shoes, and take care to protect yourself from the sun. To ensure the best transportation for the participants, we would like to inform you that there will be a bus that will take you from Kalamata to the Gialova lagoon on the morning of Sunday, October 2, which will be free of charge. To secure your place, you are kindly requested to sign up by Friday, September 30. For more information, call the numbers listed below.
Apart from the removal of waste, our aim is to join forces in promoting the significance of protecting our natural environment. We are inviting all of you to support this action, offering a little of your time and willingness to help.
Together we can make our area more beautiful!
The Gialova lagoon clean-up will take place with the support of the “Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos” Foundation, and the Κ.Α.ΝΕ. Social Youth Development.
Divari beach clean-up
Meeting point: The old pumping station – Gialova lagoon, on Sunday, October 2, at 9:30 am.
Contact info: Filaretos Vourkos (+30 6977482806), Dionisis Papadatos (+30 6986689093)