Stepping stone project



The “Stepping Stone” program has been designed by the “METAdrasi” organization and the “Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos” Foundation; it is being carried out by “METAdrasi,” with the Foundation’s support.

Now that the numbers and living conditions of refugee populations in Greece, and especially Athens, have somewhat been stabilized, the issue of their employment and integration into society has become a priority. Young people, especially, have been marginalized, with practically no choices and no opportunities to find an outlet for their abilities and energy.

“Stepping Stone” aims to provide all the support necessary for the integration of those who wish to remain in Greece, by offering basic training, support, and work placements that provide further education.

The program is aimed at all refugees who have applied for asylum in Greece and intend to remain in the country. More specifically it offers:

  • Courses in basic Greek
  • Basic training and consulting regarding their legal rights.
  • Basic social skills training that will help them better understand the cultural and social environment—a crucial parameter in integration—before and after practical training.
  • According to needs, other workshops (e.g. sewing for women etc) may be set up, to provide further support and integration opportunities.
  • Practical training across a network of collaborating companies.


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