The third Kalamata Drama International Summer School (KaDISS) began officially on Monday, August 16, in the city of Kalamata. Teaching at this year’s KaDISS are a group of renowned guest professors: artistic director of KaDISS, director Andrew Visnevski, founder and long-time head of the postgraduate department (MA LAB) of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, and also a professor at the newly established School of Directing of the National Theater of Greece. Andrew Visnevski, who has had a number of big collaborations all over the world, teaches Shakespeare (scene study). Gabrielle Moleta is in charge of the movement and transformation lessons. She is, among other things, a collaborator at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, where she has contributed her expertise for many years. This year, the task of vocal teaching has been assigned to the head of the Vocal Department of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, Jean Francois Brion. Director and actress Argiro Chioti, who teaches classical theater, completes the team of professors. Ms Chioti recently presented the play “Frogs” by Aristophanes as part of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival at the ancient theater of Epidaurus. She has taught in drama schools (National Theater, Piraeus Association) and has also presented her work at some of the biggest stages in Greece (National Theater, Onassis Stegi, etc.) and abroad.
This year the KaDISS is under the auspices of the Municipality of Kalamata. It began on Monday, August 16 and will conclude in three weeks, on Saturday, September 4. Teaching hours are between 09:00 and 16:00.
Following all precautionary measures, this year we have chosen to welcome five students only. Through the excellent collaboration with the Ephorate of Antiquities of Messinia that also co-organized the event, the students will have the opportunity to be taught not only in the amphitheater of the Cultural Center but also in the amphitheater of the Castle of Kalamata and the magnificent archaeological site of Ancient Messini.
This year’s small number of students has allowed us to create a set of collaborators/students, at the same time allowing teachers to give individualized attention to each participant. Our decision not to accept more students this year was based on safety reasons, with respect to all those involved (professors, volunteers, employees, students). All safety measures are observed every day (thermometry, use of a mask, exclusion of people who are not working at the amphitheater, testing, cleaning, use of antiseptic products, etc.).
It would, of course, be an omission not to publicly thank all those who have supported and continue to support the KaDISS all these years. Specifically, we extend our warmest thanks to the Municipality of Kalamata and the Mayor of Kalamata, Mr. A. Vassilopoulos; the president of the Municipal Cultural Center of Kalamata and the president of the Community of Kalamata, Mr. P. Lyras, as well as all the employees of the Cultural Center of Kalamata for their patience and cooperation; our precious volunteers of the “Maria Kallas” Alumni Association of the Music School of Kalamata, who are always ready to act and offer their help; our associates, the Kalamata Photography Group and ΜΑΤΑROA. Our precious sponsors, without the support of whom the KaDISS 2021 would not have taken place; the BAREVA Foundation in Lichtenstein, the Captain Vassilis & Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation, the Chamber of Messinia and the Messinian Amphiktyony. And, finally, all media, in our city and beyond, for their support in this cultural endeavor from the very first moment of the establishment of the KaDISS.
The creative team of the KaDISS
Στοιχεία Επικοινωνίας: tel: +030 695 5933407
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